Sunday, June 2, 2013

Whew! How Time Flies!

A big thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who chaperoned our big field trip to Discovery Gateway and Clark Planetarium this week! We are amazed that the weather continued true-to-form for every field trip this class has had since kindergarten - - it's a good thing our field trip was indoors!  The students enjoyed learning, discovering, and playing together. They had a lot to tell me about their individual experiences, later that week when I had returned from a couple of sick days.  Thank you, again, for spending the day with us.
We will be finishing up our last week of school with some "out of this world" fun activities. Whether you love sports, games, pets, rockets or talents there's something for everyone to enjoy.  Check out our list of fun for the week!

Kickball Tournament!

We have taken to the field! We are in the middle of our third grade kickball tournament, using our kicking, running, and passing skills, while championing our two most important rules: have good sportsmanship and have fun! We played our first two games last week and have two more games on Monday and Tuesday of this week at 2:10 p.m.  Feel free to come cheer us on!

Paper Airplane Races and Popsicles! 
This Tuesday, June 4 we will be having a fun measurement activity that involves paper, airplanes, meter sticks, and popsicles.  Students can bring paper airplanes from home or make their own at school for our races that day.  Do you know the best way to fold a paper airplane?  What does it take to go the distance?  We're going to compare and contrast and find our for ourselves!

Talent Show!
Each third grade class held its own talent show last week and we were privileged to enjoy some amazing talents that we don't get to see everyday at school.  Students then voted for their top favorites and we will be holding a final grade level talent show in the gym on Tuesday, June 4th at 10:30 a.m.  The sky's the limit when it comes to third grade talents!

Pet Day!
Woof! Woof!  As soon as morning announcements are finished on Wed., June 5th, students will bring chairs outside and sit in a circle for Pet Day (about 8:30 a.m.). Animals will only be outside and should come with a leash or a cage. They should also be safe and comfortable with a large group of children around them. Volunteers who bring pets should have completed the Canyons District Volunteer application and be wearing an Altara Visitor nametag, after checking in at the office. Volunteers must bring pets, stay with them the entire time, and take them home immediately following Pet Day sharing.  We are excited to learn all about our students' animal friends!

Bottle Rocket Launch!
We're celebrating our last science unit on Force, Motion, and Gravity with a grade level rocket launch on Wednesday, June 5th. To prepare for the launch, we're collecting 2-Liter soda bottles and duct tape to make the rockets at school.  Students are welcome to bring the materials any time before Wednesday.

Field Day!
On Thursday, June 6th, 9:30-11:30 a.m., students will be rotating through eight stations created by the third grade teachers and run by our wonderful parent volunteers. If you volunteered for Field Day, please arrive and check in at the office by 9:25 a.m.  Our picnic lunch out on the lawn begins at 11:30 a.m. and all are welcome to join us!  Please check the weather for suitable attire, and, if needed, bring hats, sunscreen, and water bottles. Let the games begin!

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